Every medieval town has its main square and many roads paved in flagstone. Especially the marketplace.
If you want to inform the townsfolk of a dangerous dragon or simply inform them of a good deal in the local brewery, your town needs a Notice Board.
Spice up your gaming table or diorama with this awesome kit that is suitable for various games and almost any historic period, be it dark age, medieval, western, WW, etc.
Most common stall in the medieval market. Resources are scarce and mouths to feed are many. Some grain for porridge and some vegetables for brew should be available for all townsfolk.
Medieval times are dangerous. People should have their farm tools ready behind the door. For those who are a bit better suited, there is a Weapon and Armor Stall.
All who need to sharpen their tools or replace the broken parts or need a barrel for their vine, come to this stall. Here you will find all the tools you need for your trait.
Butcher is often looked at with envy. All this meat and cheese around him, who wouldn't be jealous? Welcome to the Meat and Dairy Stall
Dead Trees will give your Graveyard that creepy, dark atmosphere and make it more intriguing. Dead Trees can be used in all settings.