• Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Left side ending section (when facing the walls form the outside). Use this section if your walls are not completely enclosed.
  • Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Right side ending section (when facing the walls form the outside). Use this section if your walls are not completely enclosed.
  • Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Left side adapter (when facing the walls form the outside). Use it to connect the wall to the Town Gate. This section also includes the door part which you simply attach to the wall of the Town Gate once you place the adapter in place. Since all of our models are hand made, they are newer exactly the same. You might need to fill some small gaps with modeling putty once you connect the adapter to the Town Gate.
  • Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Right side adapter (when facing the walls form the outside). Use it to connect the wall to the Town Gate. This section also includes the door part which you simply attach to the wall of the Town Gate once you place the adapter in place. Since all of our models are hand made, they are newer exactly the same. You might need to fill some small gaps with modeling putty once you connect the adapter to the Town Gate.
  • Town Gate

    Town Gate was built to provide a point of controlled access to town for people, vehicles, goods and animals. It is filling functions relating to defense, security, health, trade, taxation and is therefore staffed by military and municipal authorities. The Town Gate is also commonly used to display diverse kinds of public information such as announcements, tax and toll schedules, standards of local measures, and legal texts. It is heavily fortified and ornamented with heraldic shields.
  • Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Left side adapter (when facing the walls form the outside). Use it to connect the wall to the Fortified Tower. This section also includes outer and inner door part which you simply attach to the wall outside and inside the Fortified Tower. Since all of our models are hand made, they are newer exactly the same. You might need to fill some small gaps with modeling putty once you connect the adapter to the Fortified Tower.
  • Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Right side adapter (when facing the walls form the outside). Use it to connect the wall to the Fortified Tower. This section also includes outer and inner door part which you simply attach to the wall outside and inside the Fortified Tower. Since all of our models are hand made, they are newer exactly the same. You might need to fill some small gaps with modeling putty once you connect the adapter to the Fortified Tower.
  • Monument

    Each civilization has its heroes, kings, warlords and many other great individuals who leave their mark in its history. What better way to commemorate them than to carve their name and story into stone and bronze. Monuments are built to stand firm and keep the memory of a fallen hero for generations.
  • In dark medieval times, every city had to defend itself. Buildings like Guard Tower enable soldiers to spot the enemy on time in order to make all necessary actions to properly prepare the city for attack. When the soldiers on the Guard Tower sound the alarm, town gates are being sealed and all who can fight equip themselves with weapons and readily await the battle to commence. Guard towers are built on the outskirts of a city, preferably on higher ground. These buildings have to be sturdy enough to withstand enemy’s cannon balls, stones thrown by catapults or even attacks by frenzied monsters such as Giants and Treeman. It has to be high enough so soldiers are able to see as much landscape as possible. Sometimes whole regiments of archers and other troops are stationed in one Guard Tower.
  • Watermill

    In Medieval times water-driven mills were the most powerful land-based machines that converted natural energy into mechanical power. Town's Watermill is used for grinding grains, legumes and other foodstuffs. It provides constant food supplies for townsfolk.
  • Noble Townhouse represents the city or town residence of a noble or wealthy family. Townhouses of the rich are bigger in size and more elaborate than those of regular townsfolk. By their residence nobles prevented the town from becoming merely a trading centre or an aggregate of merchants. They kept the citizens in touch with the rest of the kingdom. They made the people understand that they belong to their Realm.
  • Town Walls are a necessity for town to survive in medieval world of invasion and conquest. Wealthy towns are enclosed by protective walls and the only access to the town is regulated through Town Gate. Adding the section A together with section B will determine the length of the wall. You can use as many sections as you like. To avoid repetition we designed two versions of section A with slightly different textures and details. Note that the section B is always connected to section A or ending sections E and F.


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